Jemele Hill

Emmy Award winning journalist, Jemele Hill is the Co-founder of Lodge Freeway Media and a contributing writer for The Atlantic. In April of 2019, Hill debuted a new podcast on Spotify, called Jemele Hill is Unbothered. Unbothered explores the news of the day and the intersectionality between the worlds of sports, politics, music, identity and culture. Unbothered is an honest, thought-provoking, always-entertaining analysis of American life, discussed in real-time as it unfolds. Previous guests included Senator Kamala Harris, Ava DuVernay, Common, Ice Cube, Spike Lee and Soledad O’Brien.

On April 15, 2020, Hill along with Van Lathan launched the podcast, The Wire: Way

Down in the Hole. The podcast breaks down every episode on the HBO classic

series. The podcast recaps the show, critical foreshadowing highlights signature

moments and hands out “signature” awards.

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