Jourdan Hicks 

Jourdan Hicks (She/They) is a multi-award-winning journalist, producer, and host. Jourdan got their start as a community advocate and educator in their hometown of Hazelwood, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, where they worked with students, families, and elders to address issues of environmental justice, learning and history. Holding degrees from Penn State University (B.A) and Duquesne University (MS.Ed), Jourdan refined their talents under the tutelage of Dr. Jamil Bey at the Urbankind Institute. 

These academic achievements now serve as the bedrock for the transformative salons, interviews, and social engagements that have become her hallmark. Jourdan’s passions span a wide spectrum, including urban planning, journalism, art, culture, and guiding spirited discourse. In 2020, Jourdan made contributions as a source for ‘Patterned Justice: Design Languages for a Just Pittsburgh,’ a handbook published by Harvard Graduate School of Design, focusing on socio-spatial justice through the art of design and planning ‘pattern-making.’

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