Chelsea Miller

A Columbia University graduate and Brooklyn native, Chelsea Miller is one of the leading voices in digital organizing. After working in the Obama White House in 2016, Chelsea would later become a global voice in activism. Chelsea is the Co-Founder of Freedom March NYC, one of the largest youth-led civil rights organizations in the country. Organizing movements in person and online, Chelsea is globally recognized for her ability to use social media to reach various audiences and build community. With a digital reach of over 1.5 million through partnerships, ambassadorships, and digital campaigns, Chelsea has leveraged her knowledge to work with brands such as Versace, Nike, Puma, Toms, Facebook, and the WNBA. 

As a public speaker, Chelsea has addressed thousands of people in speaking engagements that include Madison Square Garden, Yale University, and the March on Washington. Her work has been featured in Forbes, Rolling Stone, Vogue, CNN, Financial Times, and more.

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