Bomani Jones

Bomani Jones is the host of the podcast The Right Time with Bomani Jones. As CEO of Old Soul Productions, He also hosts The Evening Jones, an audience driven podcast discussing a range of pop culture topics. He previously hosted Game Theory with Bomani Jones on HBO, where he tackles sports and their intersections with the world, and contributed to Back on the Record with Bob Costas.

Jones was the former co-host of the ESPN sports television programs Highly Questionable and High Noon, and was a panelist on the sports roundtable discussion show Around the Horn. He was an executive producer of Rand University, a film about former NFL wide receiver Randy Moss and an episode of ESPN’s acclaimed documentary series 30 for 30. He also worked on several documentaries. For over 20 years, Bomani has written on sports, music, culture and politics for a variety of online and print publications, including Vanity Fair and GQ. 

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