Sumayyah Ali 

The works of Sumayyah Ali (formerly Ash Nash ) is a Socioeconomic Activist and Black Arts & Organizer. Creative at heart, she leaned in to the complex journey to uncover and address the very systems that hinder Black artists from thriving and narrating to their communities. By investigating public data she concluded that access to financial literacy resources, non-black founded and led organizations have profited from the tireless labor endured and created by Black cultures. Her vision, leadership and mission to leverage the economic playing field for Black artists has irrefutably ensured fine art and public art spaces for Black creators to archive the imagery and narratives of their cultures while accessing vital resources for them to sustain careers. Her bold storytelling through Power Haus Creative public and fine art projects expose the prevalence of anti-Black racism in everyday life and its adverse impact on quality of life for Black cultures, globally.

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