Carla Hall

Carla Hall first won over audiences when she competed on Bravo’s “Top Chef” and “Top Chef: All Stars” and shared her philosophy to always cook with love.  Born in Nashville, TN, Carla grew up surrounded by soul food. Her path to food celebrity took a winding road.  She believes food connects us all, and she strives to communicate this through her work, her cooking, and in her daily interactions with others.  

After appearances on Top Chef Carla spent 7 years co-hosting ABC’s Emmy award winning, popular lifestyle series “The Chew”, and is currently featured on the Food Network in shows such as “Thanksgiving, Holiday and Halloween Baking Championships” (judge),  and “Worst Cooks in America”.  Her latest cookbook, Carla Hall’s Soul Food: Everyday and Celebration, was published in 2018, landing on annual “Best Cookbook” lists across the country and receiving an NAACP Image Awards nomination.   

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