Bridgit Antoinette Evans

Bridgit Antoinette Evans is an award-winning artist and thought leader in the narrative change field, innovating the use of pop culture strategies to advance social justice. In 2008, Bridgit founded Fuel | We Power Change, a narrative strategy firm through which she designed long-term culture change strategies in partnership with many of the nation’s leading movement organizations, including the Save Darfur Coalition, Girls Are Not For Sale Campaign, National Domestic Workers Alliance, Caring Across Generations, and the ACLU. In recognition of her pathbreaking work, Bridgit was named a Nathan Cummings Foundation Fellowship in 2015, where she piloted “Culture Changes Us,” an immersive learning series that accelerated a cohort of social justice leaders’ understanding and use of culture change strategy. For Ford Foundation and Unbound Philanthropy, she led multi-year narrative research and strategy projects that unearthed breakthrough storytelling strategies for the gender and immigrant justice movements. 

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